An Inclusive Community Oriented Congregation in BurrillvilleWe, the fellowship of Berean Baptist Church, worship one God who is revealed and accessible to each and every one of us regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, social standing or all other abilities. All have been given the gift of accepting full participation in the Kingdom of God because God's grace, love, and mercy are given freely and unconditionally and extend to all people. Therefore, we accept, welcome and affirm all as brothers and sisters united in striving to live holy and acceptable lives in the service of God's Kingdom.
May our hearts as well as our church doors remain forever open and welcoming to all of God's creation. |
Berean Bell Newsletter
Sermon Series - Who Is Jesus For Us Today?
This is a question that Dietrich Bonhoeffer shared in a letter to his friend Eberhard Bethge. We wrote this letter from Winkefalde Prison. It was a question he had been asking himself while incerated by the Nazis. In our day of political division, a rise in Christian nationalism, rising homelessness and poverty, the question remains relevant to the Church today.
This year we will be exploring who Jesus was according to scripture and discerning together who Jesus is for us today?
This year we will be exploring who Jesus was according to scripture and discerning together who Jesus is for us today?
Sunday January 12, 2025
Luke 3:1-22 - the Baptism of Jesus Sermon - Who Is Jesus? Being for us! Crowds are running from Jerusalem to John the Baptist at the Jordan. It's a recreation of Exodus. People are fleeing the Pharaohs of their day; Caesar, Herod, Caiaphas, maintain a system of violence, suffering and exploitation. They need God to lead them to a new kin-dom of justice and love. Jesus appears at the Jordan to be baptized. God announces Love. |
Sunday January 19, 2025
John 2:1-11 Jesus Turns Water in Wine
Sermon - Who Is Jesus? God's Abundance in Community
John 2:1-11 Jesus Turns Water in Wine
Sermon - Who Is Jesus? God's Abundance in Community
Sunday January 26, 2025
Luke 4:14-21 - Jesus' First Sermon
Who Is Jesus? Jesus & Jubilee
Luke 4:14-21 - Jesus' First Sermon
Who Is Jesus? Jesus & Jubilee
Feb 2, 2025
Luke 4: 21-30 - Jesus' First Sermon pt 2
Jesus For Us - Jesus and Jubilee 2 - Xenophobia
Luke 4: 21-30 - Jesus' First Sermon pt 2
Jesus For Us - Jesus and Jubilee 2 - Xenophobia
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- Click the Donate link to the right to give through PayPal.