An Inclusive Community Oriented Congregation in BurrillvilleWe, the fellowship of Berean Baptist Church, worship one God who is revealed and accessible to each and every one of us regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, social standing or all other abilities. All have been given the gift of accepting full participation in the Kingdom of God because God's grace, love, and mercy are given freely and unconditionally and extend to all people. Therefore, we accept, welcome and affirm all as brothers and sisters united in striving to live holy and acceptable lives in the service of God's Kingdom.
May our hearts as well as our church doors remain forever open and welcoming to all of God's creation. |
Berean Bell Newsletter
May 2023
Wishing all our members, friends and neighbors a joyous Pride month
here is an excerpt from Pastor Darin's Pride message which you can read in full in the June newsletter posted above
'remember that you are loved, extravagantly, wildly, unconditionally, by God. And if your spiritual life is devoted to loving God and neighbor and yourself, you are born of God. No other Bible verses take that away. No other churches or preachers can take that away either. If one of your core values in life is to love others, to be kind, forgiving, and welcoming, you are in a relationship with the God who is love.'
here is an excerpt from Pastor Darin's Pride message which you can read in full in the June newsletter posted above
'remember that you are loved, extravagantly, wildly, unconditionally, by God. And if your spiritual life is devoted to loving God and neighbor and yourself, you are born of God. No other Bible verses take that away. No other churches or preachers can take that away either. If one of your core values in life is to love others, to be kind, forgiving, and welcoming, you are in a relationship with the God who is love.'
June Sermon Series - Joy
Sunday June 2, 2024 - Joy and Perseverance
We are starting a new sermon series this Sunday, not on the Pixar movie Inside Out, but exploring what scripture teaches us about joy.
We will be looking at John 16, where Jesus says, ‘you have pain now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.’ So specifically we will be talking about how Gods gift of joy helps us to persevere through difficult times. And We will learn a bit about how to open ourselves to the joy God offers.
June is Pride month and we are a church that celebrates pride and which is proud to welcome and affirm all of Gods LGBTQ+ children. You are safe in worship with us.
Anna Collins will perform the offertory this Sunday. Marc and Joy will perform our postlude Take Me Back to Church accompanied by Emma and Bill.
Worship culminates with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
So we hope you can join us for a joyful worship service
June 9 - Joy and Love
June 16 - Joy and Pride
June 23 - Joy and Vision
June 30 Joy and Justice
We are starting a new sermon series this Sunday, not on the Pixar movie Inside Out, but exploring what scripture teaches us about joy.
We will be looking at John 16, where Jesus says, ‘you have pain now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.’ So specifically we will be talking about how Gods gift of joy helps us to persevere through difficult times. And We will learn a bit about how to open ourselves to the joy God offers.
June is Pride month and we are a church that celebrates pride and which is proud to welcome and affirm all of Gods LGBTQ+ children. You are safe in worship with us.
Anna Collins will perform the offertory this Sunday. Marc and Joy will perform our postlude Take Me Back to Church accompanied by Emma and Bill.
Worship culminates with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
So we hope you can join us for a joyful worship service
June 9 - Joy and Love
June 16 - Joy and Pride
June 23 - Joy and Vision
June 30 Joy and Justice
Options for Giving
We are glad to offer Venmo and Paypal as options for our financial support of the ministry of Berean Baptist Church.
- Find us on venmo - @bereanbaptistchurchri. Here is the link to
- Enter berean in the search window and choose bereanbaptistchurchri
- Click the Donate link to the right to give through PayPal.