Pride Worship 1 - June 6, 2021 1 Sam 3:1-10 Sermon - God of the Unusual and Unexpected
God, in an unexpected and highly unusual turn of events, delivers the news of change to the people of Israel But God does NOT speak through Eli, the priest, as was expected. God chooses a child, Samuel.
This service includes the celebration of communion and a special solo by Andrew Capron singing, 'Go Light Your World.' (If you would like to go directly to the sermon, scroll to minute 36:00
Pride Worship 2 -June 13, 2021 Mark 3:20-35 Jesus Gathers a Family
ppWho are my mother and my brothers? Jesus asks in today's scripture reading. And then shockingly, Jesus exands the definition of family to all those who do the will of God. Jesus is challenging us to put our current social connections at risk, to let go of the friends and family we have in order to welcome those who are despised and rejected. That is a challenge... but it is also good news to those who have been the object of derision and denigration.
Pride Worship 3 - June 20, 2021 1 Sam 15:34-16:13 Good Trouble
In today's scripture the boy Samuel whom God spoke to in our story at the beginning of the month is now the high priest himself And it is his turn to be surprised by God. God calls him to go and anoint Israel's new king. He chooses the tallest, strongest, best looking men to be King But God didn't want them. God wanted the boy David, whom the rest of his family forgot was tending the sheep Be careful whom you ignore They just might be the one’s whom God would embrace
Pride Worship 4 - June 27, 2021 Mark 5:21-43 Permeable Christ
In this sermon Pastor Darin will read the names of the 29 known transgender children of God who have been killed up to this point, in the United States. Then he will tell the story of the hemorrhaging woman who secretly touches the hem of Jesus' robe hoping to be healed. We will talk about what her story could mean to Judean women who heard the story and greek women Then we will explore how African women and Latin women had connected to this story and found hope and courage in it Finally we will imagine how this story might bring hope and courage to our transgender siblings and how it might challenge us to advocate for their safety, their celebration in the church and in our nation.